I Can’t Fault You

My teeth are intact, and my jaw remains in one piece; I can’t fault you, because I can still muster the courage to smile. Your strikes didn’t scar, and I only flinched a little bit; I can’t fault you, because I can still manage an embrace. My limp’s almost straightened, and my knee was wobbly before it was knocked. So I can’t fault you because I can still run to you for comfort.

You cause me pain, and I bleed but promise not to cry – I can’t fault you because without you I just couldn’t get by. You’re far from perfect, but I know I’m in too deep, and I can’t fault you because it’ll be I who’ll make me weep.

© LaYinka Sanni, December 2011.


The result of a freewriting session a few nights ago. I have no idea where the words stemmed from, but they made me sad. The notion to write came after reading the following quote:

“There are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable.” — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (one of my favourite authors)

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